Let's talk about AgroForestry

Agroforestry is a farming method that combines trees and crops or livestock on the same plot of land. But what exactly is agroforestry?
Agroforestry is a farming method that combines trees and crops or livestock on the same plot of land.
What is the principle of agroforestry?
The combination of trees and agriculture has considerable advantages, particularly in the area of soil protection. This ancient practice is now being promoted because it allows for a better use of resources by preserving and improving ecosystems.
What are the advantages of agroforestry?
In principle, the tree, through its root system, creates conditions in the deep layers of the soil that favour the supply of water and minerals to surface crops. The protective role of trees for intercropping, windbreak effect, shelter from the sun, rain. Soil fertility can be improved by the leaves of trees falling on the soil and providing an important biomass supply. Trees and hedgerows in the field provide species and habitat diversity, which is favourable for crop protection insects and pollinators.
What is the future of agroforestry?
Agroforestry is the future of agriculture, in an urgent problem of global warming and long and severe drought. Agroforestry increases the rate of organic matter, increases the moisture content of the soil, increases biodiversity, reduces the incidence of diseases and pests. Now is the time to get involved and support these farmers who are saving the world. Don't just watch, but act!
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