Our Lemon Caviar LIME-ICE an exceptional perfume

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This LIM-ICE variety derived from Microcitrus, is a hybrid worked and developed in recent years. Its interest is

A little history

The lemon caviar is a rare citrus, very difficult to obtain and cultivate, very trendy and sought after.
This thorny bush of the family Rutaceae whose species-type originates from the Australian rainforests, is a fruit consumed by the aborigines.

It is cultivated in Australia, towards Bayron Bay, in Australia's Queensland, the most easterly city on the continent. We must move away from the coast and venture into the Australian bush. The countryside is hilly, green, humid, far from the representation of the Australian bush, flat and arid.

Their original form is similar to a gherkin or a chubby finger , hence its nickname "finger lime".
since, its appearance (long, round, oblong) with multiple varieties has changed.
Its rough or smooth skin can be brown, purple, yellow, orange, red, black or green, depending on the variety.
The true specificity of this citrus is in the structure of its pulp: an explosion of green or pinkish marbles, yellow or beige and even red.

And how do we use it?

These amazing "pearls" roll on the tongue before bursting, releasing an acidic and fragrant juice according to the varieties.
A spicy note is first noticed, quickly supplanted by acidity.
The green flesh caviar lemons are frankly lemony while those with pink flesh rather evoke the grapefruit.
The Interest also lies in using Lemon Caviar, we do not flood lemon juice dish (as with a normal citrus juice), but it is eating that the gourmet will burst the "pearls of juice", thus releasing the desired aromatic acidity.

And what is this variety LIM-ICE?

This LIM-ICE variety derived from Microcitrus, is a hybrid worked and developed in recent years. Its interest is multiple: its aromatic power is strong, derived from the Lime, with a mastered and truly nice freshness.
Its zest can be worked also, and the fruit is of a prolonged conservation in the expenses.




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